Wednesday, July 23, 2008


'Wheatly' was built for Edwin Denison Morgan III by McKim, Mead & White in Old Westbury c. 1890. E.D., as he was known, owned more than 650 acres in the Wheatley Hills part of town. The estate had a 300 foot stables complex that burned down in 1907. Pieces of the house were demolished in the 1950's for a residential development, but two of the wings now make up two separate homes. The chapel was also converted into a private residence. Click HERE to see where 'Wheatly' stood on google earth.


Anonymous said...

for wheatly, many of the buildings stll exist in altered forms...


Zach L. said...

thank you mysterious poster, you have been very helpful (I always had this feeling about Applegreen but was never certain), and Wheatley, well...I'll have to take pictures now.