Dedicated to the preservation of Long Island's 'gold coast' estates and other things old.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Old Westbury Horse Stable and Track
These stables and track were possibly owned by William deForest Manice, who was a former mayor of Old Westbury. The stables have not been in use for sometime, but I do remember there being horses there when I was little. Click HERE to see the stables and track on google earth.
I worked at that farm in the early 1980's. Then it was called Gold Mills Farm and is located just east of exit 39 on the Long Island Expressway. It was a commercial Thoroughbred breeding farm that stood several top NY-based stallions. It was owned at the time by William A. Levin. It was sold in the late 1980's and was renamed Samantha Farms.
I worked here for I believe 2 years. From 1980 -1981. I loved working here. I met alot of nice people working here. I remember E. Rigby, T. Fritz, Horrace, Sam, Barbara W., Kathy D., Marcella R., Stephanie A. , Jean A.. And alot of others. Sadly, I remember their faces but cant remember the names. But everyone was so nice. I enjoyed being with them. I loved my work too. I cleaned stalls pretty much all day, but I loved the smell of the barn, being out in the fresh air all day, I loved working with the horses. I loved grooming them. And best of all were the babies. I loved teasing season and all the foals that came later. They were so cute. I remember we had a goat and a pig on the farm too. I was afraid of the pig when it first came to the farm. I was told that it bit. But I had to clean its stall. At first I was afraid to go in there and clean it. But everyday I would go in and eventually I made friends with that pig. We named him Oscar. He would roll over on his belly and liked his belly scratched. I loved him. Then I heard that he was going to be cooked for 4th of July. I put up such a fuss. I dont remember that pig getting cooked while I worked there. But I dont know what happened to it when I left the farm. It was a great job and I often think of it. Those were the days. Lori
Hi I worked at Goldmills for 5 years. I knew the people Lori wrote about. I'm Barbara W. I ended up buying a horse from there and had 12 wonderful years with him. Hey Lori if you remember Market Margin that was my horse. There were so many people that came and went at the farm, I don't remember you though, maybe if I saw yuor face. I was friends with Horace. I did enjoy all the babies, remember Dr.Senk? well she retired from horses and works with cats, Feral cats to be exact.
Hi Barbara. Nice to hear from you. Do you keep in touch with any others from the barn? I am currently looking for some via facebook. It would be nice to find some of us. Maybe I can make a FB meeting place for all us old GMF employees. I do not remember Market Margin. She must have been one of the brood mares. Most of them were so sweet. Except for Mythical Keys. She bit me in the eye while I was leading her to see Doc. Senk. I still have the scar on my eye lid. She apparently wasnt having a good day...LOL. Yes I do remember Doc Senk. She was nice. I heard that Horace was hit by a car and died. Is that true? I really liked him. He was a nice guy. My favorite time of the year was teasing season. That was fun. And when the babies came. I loved them. Remember the day Baroque broke loose. That was the saddest day ever. She was the sweetest mare there. So so sad. Hope to hear from you again. Lori
Hi Lori: I am one of the people that you mention in your first posting. How can I contact you? I think a Gold Mill FB page would be great. I still have a lot of pictures of some of the horses, Warm Front, Bold Reason, etc ! M.R.
Hi Lori, Barbara W, ITs Brenda S(now M lol), anyone remember me? I worked there from 1973-1987 (14 yrs) First ahlf or so with horses, then in the offices. Probably 100 employees came & went during that time. Recently saw Donna D. Hope that info about Horace is wrong? I keep wondering about Sam R., many of my fondest memories there are of him. Anyone Remember the real old days with Artie A, Tommy H, Gordon H? As you said, so many nice people and memories. Miss being around horses too.
Hi Brenda, Of I remember you. I went to your wedding. How's Barry and the boys? I believe you couldn't make my wedding? but you did make my baby shower. I have pictures of you. I live out east in Mastic Beach now. Yes I believe it is true about Horace, one of his old friends lives across the street from me. He knew Elton and Rock. Rock recently passed away. Look for me on Facebook. Barbara Rubenau-Glazer
To those who know Gold mill farm. I worked there too, in the 80's I remember you Barbra and Brenda. Your bringing back good memories. I loved working there. I still go by there when I visit relatives on L.I.. Sad to see the place abandon Sorry to here about Horace. Wonder where Sam is. Barbra I remember Marketmargin and you riding in the top paddock. Those were the days. Wow is all this bring back memories. T. Fritz
Terri, Brenda, and Marcella go to Facebook and look up Lori and me. Actually look me up and you will find Lori as a friend. I posted a picture of me out back by the hot walker. We need to start a facebook page for Goldmills. I found Frankie Jr on the internet.
My Dad and I used to drive past Gold Mill several times a week when en route to "our" barn for me to ride my Welsh pony, Warlock, with Robert Hoskins, my trainer, a bit farther north in Brookville-we were always at Gold Coast Equestrian Farm, or down the road at the Harriman estate- that my Aunt Kathy Farrell later leased and ran as a Thoroughbred breeding farm-Fairmeadow Farm. So I remember always seeing the TB racehorses at GM and wishing we could just go in and look around and meet people and see the horses, but it always looked private so we'd just whip by on the service road and wonder about the racehorses there. I am sad to hear its in disuse, and sadder still that it doesnt seem it will be a horse farm in future. I grew up on LI riding horses since I was 2 with my Aunt, a TB enthusiast, so am always disheartened to see the farms sold, sectioned off, and developed. Maybe I will see if you all have a FB page now! I now live in TX where I have room for my of luck to you all! Lea
Love this website! For those of you who were involved in horses I have a FB group called "Long Island & Horses - Way Back When" you are welcome to join.
I worked at that farm in the early 1980's. Then it was called Gold Mills Farm and is located just east of exit 39 on the Long Island Expressway. It was a commercial Thoroughbred breeding farm that stood several top NY-based stallions. It was owned at the time by William A. Levin. It was sold in the late 1980's and was renamed Samantha Farms.
Thanks for posting. I remember going there as a kid in the mid to late '80s and seeing horses there. Though there haven't been for quite a long time.
I worked here for I believe 2 years. From 1980 -1981. I loved working here. I met alot of nice people working here. I remember E. Rigby, T. Fritz, Horrace, Sam, Barbara W., Kathy D., Marcella R., Stephanie A. , Jean A.. And alot of others. Sadly, I remember their faces but cant remember the names. But everyone was so nice. I enjoyed being with them. I loved my work too. I cleaned stalls pretty much all day, but I loved the smell of the barn, being out in the fresh air all day, I loved working with the horses. I loved grooming them. And best of all were the babies. I loved teasing season and all the foals that came later. They were so cute. I remember we had a goat and a pig on the farm too. I was afraid of the pig when it first came to the farm. I was told that it bit. But I had to clean its stall. At first I was afraid to go in there and clean it. But everyday I would go in and eventually I made friends with that pig. We named him Oscar. He would roll over on his belly and liked his belly scratched. I loved him. Then I heard that he was going to be cooked for 4th of July. I put up such a fuss. I dont remember that pig getting cooked while I worked there. But I dont know what happened to it when I left the farm.
It was a great job and I often think of it. Those were the days.
Who owns the farm now and is it a working farm?
It is owned by some sort of Korean organization who I believe have hopes to turn the property into a church.
Hi I worked at Goldmills for 5 years. I knew the people Lori wrote about. I'm Barbara W.
I ended up buying a horse from there and had 12 wonderful years with him.
Hey Lori if you remember Market Margin that was my horse.
There were so many people that came and went at the farm, I don't remember you though, maybe if I saw yuor face.
I was friends with Horace.
I did enjoy all the babies, remember Dr.Senk? well she retired from horses and works with cats, Feral cats to be exact.
Hi Barbara. Nice to hear from you. Do you keep in touch with any others from the barn? I am currently looking for some via facebook. It would be nice to find some of us. Maybe I can make a FB meeting place for all us old GMF employees.
I do not remember Market Margin. She must have been one of the brood mares. Most of them were so sweet. Except for Mythical Keys. She bit me in the eye while I was leading her to see Doc. Senk. I still have the scar on my eye lid. She apparently wasnt having a good day...LOL. Yes I do remember Doc Senk. She was nice.
I heard that Horace was hit by a car and died. Is that true? I really liked him. He was a nice guy.
My favorite time of the year was teasing season. That was fun. And when the babies came. I loved them. Remember the day Baroque broke loose. That was the saddest day ever. She was the sweetest mare there. So so sad.
Hope to hear from you again.
Hi Lori:
I am one of the people that you mention in your first posting. How can I contact you? I think a Gold Mill FB page would be great. I still have a lot of pictures of some of the horses, Warm Front, Bold Reason, etc !
Hi Lori, Barbara W,
ITs Brenda S(now M lol), anyone remember me? I worked there from 1973-1987 (14 yrs) First ahlf or so with horses, then in the offices. Probably 100 employees came & went during that time. Recently saw Donna D. Hope that info about Horace is wrong? I keep wondering about Sam R., many of my fondest memories there are of him. Anyone Remember the real old days with Artie A, Tommy H, Gordon H? As you said, so many nice people and memories. Miss being around horses too.
Hi Brenda, Of I remember you. I went to your wedding. How's Barry and the boys? I believe you couldn't make my wedding? but you did make my baby shower. I have pictures of you.
I live out east in Mastic Beach now.
Yes I believe it is true about Horace, one of his old friends lives across the street from me. He knew Elton and Rock. Rock recently passed away.
Look for me on Facebook. Barbara Rubenau-Glazer
To those who know Gold mill farm.
I worked there too, in the 80's I remember you Barbra and Brenda. Your bringing back good memories. I loved working there. I still go by there when I visit relatives on L.I.. Sad to see the place abandon Sorry to here about Horace. Wonder where Sam is. Barbra I remember Marketmargin and you riding in the top paddock. Those were the days. Wow is all this bring back memories.
T. Fritz
Terri, Brenda, and Marcella go to Facebook and look up Lori and me. Actually look me up and you will find Lori as a friend.
I posted a picture of me out back by the hot walker. We need to start a facebook page for Goldmills. I found Frankie Jr on the internet.
So glad to find old coworkers! Terri and Marcella, I totally remember you. Im on FB. Lori Gardener
My Dad and I used to drive past Gold Mill several times a week when en route to "our" barn for me to ride my Welsh pony, Warlock, with Robert Hoskins, my trainer, a bit farther north in Brookville-we were always at Gold Coast Equestrian Farm, or down the road at the Harriman estate- that my Aunt Kathy Farrell later leased and ran as a Thoroughbred breeding farm-Fairmeadow Farm. So I remember always seeing the TB racehorses at GM and wishing we could just go in and look around and meet people and see the horses, but it always looked private so we'd just whip by on the service road and wonder about the racehorses there. I am sad to hear its in disuse, and sadder still that it doesnt seem it will be a horse farm in future. I grew up on LI riding horses since I was 2 with my Aunt, a TB enthusiast, so am always disheartened to see the farms sold, sectioned off, and developed.
Maybe I will see if you all have a FB page now! I now live in TX where I have room for my of luck to you all!
To all the old Goldmills Farm workers. There is a Facebook page up with some old pictures. If you have any more please submit them.
Sad to say they have torn all the trees and railings down. The barn is still there. Not sure what is going on.Not sure how to post pictures here.
Love this website! For those of you who were involved in horses I have a FB group called "Long Island & Horses - Way Back When" you are welcome to join.
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