Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Remains of 1063 Fifth Avenue

Henry Phipps hired Towbridge & Livingston to design him a marble mansion at the corner of 87th Street and 5th Avenue in 1905.  The house stood there until Henry's death in 1930, at which point his wife sold the lot to a developer and had the house demolished, but not before removing the entire white marble facade and shipping it out to her daughter Amy's estate 'Templeton' in Brookville.  It sat there in a field for many years, waiting for something to happen to it.  It still sits unassembled in a back lot, slowly eroding away.

Some of the large columns that flanked the front entrance to the house.

Christopher Gray's 'Streetscapes' article on Henry Phipps.

1 comment:

An Aesthete's Lament said...

Just looking at all that historic marble makes me feel light-fingered.