The entrance hall.

The dining room.

The living room.

The dance pavillion.

The library.

The pine hall.

The children's bedroom (I assume Dina Merrill's room).

Marjorie Post's master bedroom and below her master bath.

Dedicated to the preservation of Long Island's 'gold coast' estates and other things old.
yes, that bedroom is Dina Merrill's (née Nedenia Hutton). Such a fanciful space!
It must be admitted that Mrs. Post had horrifically gaudy taste-In all of her houses!! They were all ugly but thats not to say they are not interesting. It is not surprising that the Trumps of all people bought Mar A Lago. It is so easy to be mesmerized by the exuberance of these interiors and think they might be something beautiful. They were done by very best craftsman in the finest materials (and luckily photographed in black and white) at time when all things were made beautifully. Today this style and effect is found in the houses of any number of extremely rich ladies with lots of money and a passion for style with zero taste......Kimora Lee Simmons comes to mind.
Agree on Mar-A-Lago however, her Brookville/Greenvale property and Topridge were certainly not ugly and really not even particularly gaudy.
I strongly disagree, both Hillwoods and Topridge Camp are equally as ugly on the inside as Mar-A-Lago. She was a bit like the "Unsinkable Molly Brown" and not unlike many other people with no taste and lots of style who go from rags to very major riches. I still find her very interesting and generally she bought the real thing as far as antiques go but none of what she created has any real esthetic merit other than shock value.
Yes, that was Dina's bedroom : pity the photo doesn't show the amazing fireplace -
with the Dresden China surround. Quite the fanciful fairy tale theme.
If I can locate my own photos of it - I'll send them along.
I just want to respond to the comments people have made about Marjorie not having any taste. Marjorie had very high taste which may not be suited to very many people but none the less was absoultely impecable. Her art work and furnishings were of muesum quality. Nothing but the best. Another point I'd like to make is Marjorie was not a rags to riches girl. Marjorie was born into wealth that she inherited by her father, founder of Post Cereal, and then her husband E.F.Hutton helped her expand this wealth into a great fortune by creating General Foods!
If people are going to make comments on an incredible lady the should at least have their facts straight.
Craig S
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