A brochure advertising '
Plandome Mills', the
Warner Mifflin Leeds II estate in
Plandome Manor. Leeds was a founder of the
American Tin Plate Company and president of the Americn Sheet and Tin Plate Company. His adopted daughter,
Louise Leeds Kennedy, inherited the estate and gave it the name '
Plandome Mills'. Kennedy's husband,
William Walker Kennedy, was a partner in the stock brokerage firm of W.E. Burnet & Co. According to Spinzia, developers purchased the estate in 1950 and broke the house into two residences while subdividing the rest of the grounds. It seems that since then the main house has been demolished. Click
HERE to see roughly where '
Plandome Mills' stood on google earth.
Click below to see '
Plandome Mills' still intact with the surrounding property subdivided in a 1966 aerial shot. Brochure courtesy of
shakespeare misspoke - he meant to say "first we kill all the developers"
Garden pool still exists -
and a cottage -
Well said, TPR!
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