Monday, August 16, 2010

The Charles A. O'Donohue Residence

The residence of Charles A. O'Donohue designed by H. Craig Severance of Severance & Schumm c. 1917 in Huntington Bay. Click HERE for more on the O'Donohue residence. Click HERE to see where it stands on google earth.

1 comment:

Turner Pack Rats said...

what a strange conglomeration of styles and houses stuck together. great from the water where you can't see it so well. the comment from the other post on this house about the dormers and the view from the back - the word awkward comes to mind. however, still alive and well. maybe this is what the criteria for survival of these estates is - we're just too dumb to understand great works and so, we tear them down and leave the strange and weird that we are so much more comfortable with. i think i'm going back to my home planet soon.

security word def - "inful" - might still get into heaven