Dedicated to the preservation of Long Island's 'gold coast' estates and other things old.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
'Valleybrook Farm'
'Valleybrook Farm', the J. Henry Alexandre estate enlarged by Warren & Clark c. 1918 in Old Brookville. Click HERE and HERE for more on 'Valleybrook Farm'.
your previous post on this mentions a fire but by the looks, i guess it did it some good. the most unfortunate thing about this place is that now it is so surrounded by houses that are so out of scale that this place looks like a doll or toy house. the one back and to the left looks like a plain old ranch but its enormous compared to valleybrook which isn't exactly a tarpaper shack.
moving right along, what the heck is that tiny house across the road with the huge semicircular drive?
security word def - "micia" - how my house gets in the winter but my cat takes care of it for me
I suppose this house is doomed---gently remodeled old farmhouses don't seem to cut it for a lot of people anymore, in their thirst for bigger, newer, shinier...
And this is where I shamelessly promote my own blog today, only because I have a post up about the New England estates of the eighth Pratt child, the one who didn't have a house in the Glen Cove compound with her siblings..
I live right around the block. Will look forward to looking at the house with fresh eyes when it's warm enough for a stroll again. And I agree with the other poster. What's with that construction and huge circular driveway across the street?
Absolutely charming, as I mentioned in a previous post, wherein I swooned over the garden façade of the house. Simple, charming, lovely, all the right adjectives apply to this house. I should have asked the Alexandres' granddaughter-in-law (the late Olivia Alexandre) about it. Then again I should have asked her about George Post's architecture too, since she was married to his son at one time.
Be sure to check The Down East Dilettante for the post on Cove End, the Brooke Astor house and The Locusts, the home of Helen Hull. Two great houses owned by wives of Vincent Astor. Not sure what the second Mrs. Astor accomplished though in this arena. Thank you.
your previous post on this mentions a fire but by the looks, i guess it did it some good. the most unfortunate thing about this place is that now it is so surrounded by houses that are so out of scale that this place looks like a doll or toy house. the one back and to the left looks like a plain old ranch but its enormous compared to valleybrook which isn't exactly a tarpaper shack.
moving right along, what the heck is that tiny house across the road with the huge semicircular drive?
security word def - "micia" - how my house gets in the winter but my cat takes care of it for me
I suppose this house is doomed---gently remodeled old farmhouses don't seem to cut it for a lot of people anymore, in their thirst for bigger, newer, shinier...
And this is where I shamelessly promote my own blog today, only because I have a post up about the New England estates of the eighth Pratt child, the one who didn't have a house in the Glen Cove compound with her siblings..
I live right around the block. Will look forward to looking at the house with fresh eyes when it's warm enough for a stroll again. And I agree with the other poster. What's with that construction and huge circular driveway across the street?
Absolutely charming, as I mentioned in a previous post, wherein I swooned over the garden façade of the house. Simple, charming, lovely, all the right adjectives apply to this house. I should have asked the Alexandres' granddaughter-in-law (the late Olivia Alexandre) about it. Then again I should have asked her about George Post's architecture too, since she was married to his son at one time.
that is ( to my eye) the old or current garage,
Be sure to check The Down East Dilettante for the post on Cove End, the Brooke Astor house and The Locusts, the home of Helen Hull. Two great houses owned by wives of Vincent Astor. Not sure what the second Mrs. Astor accomplished though in this arena.
Thank you.
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