Dedicated to the preservation of Long Island's 'gold coast' estates and other things old.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
'Ivycroft', the Eliot Cross estate originally built for Perry Tiffany by Gage & Wallace c. 1891 and enlarged by Cross (of Cross & Cross) in 1925 in Old Westbury. Click HERE to see the brochure from when 'Ivycroft' was for sale. Click HERE to see 'Ivycroft' on google earth and HERE on bing. Photo by James Hogarty.
So many architects don't live in houses of their own design, which is always fascinating---it's clear from the scale of this place that the issue wasn't money. The whole affair, despite Cross's cosmetic efforts is/was a little clunky, and the big plate glass window panes rather blank in effect. Interesting, given the extreme elegance and textural qualities of much of the firm's work. Nice interiors.
now that's Baronial with a capital B! it looks like they have at least room to swing a cat - maybe one in each hand. Love both side but esp the one with columns and all that ivy. iknow - bad for the bricks but there's a lot of people out there out of work that can be ivy tenders. i like that staircase even if it does start right in front of a window (?) and the library. and the garage/stables. Living room is a little 50ish for my taste but i'd move in any day (that is, with a trust fund of several mill to keep up on the taxes and repairs and hiring the ivy scrapers.)
security word def - "liondli" - Archaic Italian word for what politicians do
TPR, you forgot to ask who also stole the columned rear porch (or does it require a fancier word?). The former stable in the sales brochure now appears to be its own house, & in much better condition.
I wasn't crazy about the original floor plan but still think it's a shame to have lopped off a game room, library, & four bedrooms to replace them with a small sun room. & for some reason I'm struck by the irony that this house lost a symmetrical wing while Midland Farm (see Zach's 11.17.10 posting) had a symmetrical wing added ... & neither house looks better for the change.
Gone but confirmed location for George Bostwick estate. Parking lot was for Hofstra U when they owned property. Approximately across the road from Ivycroft -
Check all this out with Google Earth historical imagery.
BTW - I should explain my lack of hyper-links - besides the time involved in preparing, I found navigating when clicking on the links undesirable - especially when there are numerous links to play with. The link does not open in a "new" window - navigating back and forth to get the next link was frustrating. To me its easier to "copy" links and navigate from there. Blogger use to highlight the http text awhile back - allowing for quick links - that was ideal!
TPR - even thou I have feet of snow on the ground my tomatoes are a inch high. Yours???
HPHS - Stewart Iglehart was one of the great polo players of his day. A 10-goal player along with Tommy Hitchcock, very weel known on LI. Iglehart's father was president of W.R. Grace.
Mac or PC, a right-click will open an embedded link in a new window. On my Mac, I use a Sticky note with the generic syntax for embedding a link ––– just copy & paste. To each his own, as they say.
As for Ivycrofy, sorry. Never did like this house; just too eccentric for me, and it was not exactly reduced in size in a sensitive fashion (albeit hard to do; even Caumsett suffered in its downsizing).
The house on Windsor & the Georgian-to-"Stucco-something" look familiar from the "bible" (Long Island Country Houses & their Architects, 1860-1940) but I haven't found them yet...the one on Windsor reminds me vaguely of the Warner/Geffen estate in Beverly Hills for some reason.
I instantly had the same visualization after your mention of the Warner/Geffen estate.
Another from the Ivycroft area -
This place next to "Graymar" has little to confirm who it was originally built for. HistoricMapWorks shows TP Grosvenor - perhaps family of Graham Grosvenor{Graymar}???
Bing shows a interesting structure. Mynas has original build date of 1878. Obviously remodeled.
Out of the area -
Garage/stables from the Ogden Mills estate are the only remnants lefts of his estate. Check out the HistoricAerials link.
Works for me??? Just go to Bacon and I. U. Wilets road on Bing. At the SE corner looking north you should see a structure with two blue tarps over it. Be at a higher elevation to see this. From there zoom in and do the "swing" around.
I've put the link to The Guest's house below- The listing has been up for 9-12 months. I seem to remember it originally listed for an amount closer to 11mm.
Thank you HPHS....I was I'm pissed!!! What would possess them!! That house looked a fine Georgian...what the hell are these people thinking??!!
Very interesting! The sales brochure answers a lot of questions.
So many architects don't live in houses of their own design, which is always fascinating---it's clear from the scale of this place that the issue wasn't money. The whole affair, despite Cross's cosmetic efforts is/was a little clunky, and the big plate glass window panes rather blank in effect. Interesting, given the extreme elegance and textural qualities of much of the firm's work. Nice interiors.
Has there been a formal listing for the Guest house nearby?
now that's Baronial with a capital B! it looks like they have at least room to swing a cat - maybe one in each hand. Love both side but esp the one with columns and all that ivy. iknow - bad for the bricks but there's a lot of people out there out of work that can be ivy tenders.
i like that staircase even if it does start right in front of a window (?) and the library. and the garage/stables. Living room is a little 50ish for my taste but i'd move in any day (that is, with a trust fund of several mill to keep up on the taxes and repairs and hiring the ivy scrapers.)
security word def - "liondli" - Archaic Italian word for what politicians do
yikes - who stole my wing? looks a little lopsided with that teeny sunroom. whose bright idea was that?
security word def - "multi" - doesn't mean what you think it does but thanks for tasking.
TPR, you forgot to ask who also stole the columned rear porch (or does it require a fancier word?). The former stable in the sales brochure now appears to be its own house, & in much better condition.
I wasn't crazy about the original floor plan but still think it's a shame to have lopped off a game room, library, & four bedrooms to replace them with a small sun room. & for some reason I'm struck by the irony that this house lost a symmetrical wing while Midland Farm (see Zach's 11.17.10 posting) had a symmetrical wing added ... & neither house looks better for the change.
++++++++++++++++++Link Heaven++++++++++++++
To be exact "Play Room" -
The whole area bounded by Bacon, Willets, Old Westbury and Jericho T is a treasure trove of estates. Some stand, some gone and some unidentified.
Click on the bottom right of the map to zoom in on the area -
On all the HistoricAerial links - location should be centered - all you need to do is zoom in.
Newly tagged - "La Granja" -
I'm unfamiliar with the Iglehart name, builders of La Granja. Daughter was a noted debutante in her day???
"Turnpike Cottage" -
Allston Flagg estate -
CC Pell -
I've added new links to the others in this block that are worth looking into. There are two indoor courts to look for.
Now some help from anyone that might id these -
Between todays Ivycroft and the now demolished Dunbar Bostwick estate -
It still stands in 2000 but is gone by 2006.
This extensive{house, gardens, outbuildings} estate must have been owned by somebody noteworthy -
The greenhouse and outbuildings still stand -
House has since been demolished sometime after 2007 -
Watch this red brick Georgian turn into a stucco-something -
Any clues on any of this???
Gone but confirmed location for George Bostwick estate. Parking lot was for Hofstra U when they owned property. Approximately across the road from Ivycroft -
Check all this out with Google Earth historical imagery.
BTW - I should explain my lack of hyper-links - besides the time involved in preparing, I found navigating when clicking on the links undesirable - especially when there are numerous links to play with. The link does not open in a "new" window - navigating back and forth to get the next link was frustrating. To me its easier to "copy" links and navigate from there. Blogger use to highlight the http text awhile back - allowing for quick links - that was ideal!
TPR - even thou I have feet of snow on the ground my tomatoes are a inch high. Yours???
hphs..this does not come up when I paste the link
Any suggestions what I may be doing wrong? I'm curious to see what the house once looked like....though I most likely will become mad...
You don't have the full url -
Click to open the smaller blog/post-box to see the full message.
Stewart Iglehart was one of the great polo players of his day. A 10-goal player along with Tommy Hitchcock, very weel known on LI. Iglehart's father was president of W.R. Grace.
Mac or PC, a right-click will open an embedded link in a new window. On my Mac, I use a Sticky note with the generic syntax for embedding a link ––– just copy & paste. To each his own, as they say.
As for Ivycrofy, sorry. Never did like this house; just too eccentric for me, and it was not exactly reduced in size in a sensitive fashion (albeit hard to do; even Caumsett suffered in its downsizing).
The house on Windsor & the Georgian-to-"Stucco-something" look familiar from the "bible" (Long Island Country Houses & their Architects, 1860-1940) but I haven't found them yet...the one on Windsor reminds me vaguely of the Warner/Geffen estate in Beverly Hills for some reason.
Right click - Open link in new tab
OK, that works.
I instantly had the same visualization after your mention of the Warner/Geffen estate.
Another from the Ivycroft area -
This place next to "Graymar" has little to confirm who it was originally built for. HistoricMapWorks shows TP Grosvenor - perhaps family of Graham Grosvenor{Graymar}???
Bing shows a interesting structure. Mynas has original build date of 1878. Obviously remodeled.
Out of the area -
Garage/stables from the Ogden Mills estate are the only remnants lefts of his estate. Check out the HistoricAerials link.
Click to open the smaller blog/post-box to see the full message
Thanks HPHS...still won't come up...but likley just as well....seeing the ruin to most of these homes pisses me off anyway.
Works for me??? Just go to Bacon and I. U. Wilets road on Bing. At the SE corner looking north you should see a structure with two blue tarps over it. Be at a higher elevation to see this. From there zoom in and do the "swing" around.
Let me rephrase that.
Does anyone have anything on Cornelia Guest's sale of her mother's house?
(I haven't been paying attention.)
I've put the link to The Guest's house below- The listing has been up for 9-12 months. I seem to remember it originally listed for an amount closer to 11mm.
CST --
Many thanks!
Thank you HPHS....I was I'm pissed!!! What would possess them!! That house looked a fine Georgian...what the hell are these people thinking??!!
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