Thursday, February 24, 2011

Putting a Face to an Estate 15

George Monroe Moffett. Below, his estate 'Les Bois' designed by Mott Schmidt c. 1927 in Brookville. Click HERE for more on 'Les Bois'.

Photos from the Library of Congress/James Hogarty.


Anonymous said...

As a reply to a question posted on the prior Les Bois post; the development just to the east of Les Bois is on the former Glenview Farms which Al Bianco mantained as Polo Fields. Interesting contrast between a NY Times 1988 article:

and a NY Times 2006 article:

Anonymous said...

So, it wasn't Filasky property..didn't think so..naner, naner, naner.

La Petite Gallery said...

The house suits the man
and the suit.
Wonder what he was thinking??


Turner Pack Rats said...

he looks like his brekkie didn't agree with him. also, he doesn't seem to be as big a fan of fine art as the cz guest. probably one of those minimalists (in the hair dept. too).
can't say too much bad about him. he was a farmer. house looks like it needs some help and i'd be worried about that sprawling development next door.
which brings me to my next point. the biggest thing i don't understand about deveopers (beyond them all being insane) is that they move into these estates which have been purpose planted with trees, shrubs and gardens and they strip every single living thing off and scrape the ground bare. they already have all these great features that most people would pay $$$$$$$ for but no - kill it!

security word def - "cendecul" - how i feel about all those developments with the circular turnaround at the end.

Turner Pack Rats said...

just read the articles and WTF are farmhouse-stlye bathroom fixtures? does that mean an outhouse with a Sears catalog and a bucket of corn cobs. Since these folks are rich, they probably even have screens on the winder and gold plate the crescent moon on the door.

security word def - "wactu" - how we get to the outhouse up here in the country