Dedicated to the preservation of Long Island's 'gold coast' estates and other things old.
Monday, May 16, 2011
'Deephaven' the Wilkinson de Forest Wright Sr. estate designed by James Brite (of Brite & Bacon) c. 1900 in Sands Point. Wright was the secretary and treasurer of Wright Underwear Co. of New York. Click HERE to see 'Deephaven' on google earth and HERE on bing.
What wonderful gables, love that roof. If I ever build another house, I will demand a steep roof, the snow slides right off. Yvonne Hope you find that house..
I also hope someone locates this house so we can all see how it’s aged (& hopefully been beautifully maintained).
I like the comfortable style & especially the look of having support beams come out of the front porch columns to help hold up that heavy roof.
On the ground floor: • The oval window is to the kitchen pantry but I can’t figure out what the room is between that & the half bath under the stairs – it would make sense for it to be a closet but I’m not sure because of the markings inside the room on the floor plan plus it has a fairly large window for such a small room … ideas? • The laundry is surprisingly large, especially since there is no servants’ sitting/dining room on the ground floor … ideas?
The second oval window is inside the servants’ stairwell.
On the second floor: • The oval window is to a half bath off the main hall – I’m sure it came in handy with five bedrooms & only (only?) two full baths. • I like the secondary halls that let you move from bed to bathroom without having to be out in the main hall – not something you see in today’s floor plans.
In the photographs you can also see curtains fluttering in a breeze – reminds me of a time when my family went to bed with all our doors & windows open & nothing to protect us from evil but latched screens & faithful dogs.
The address is at 25 Cedar Lane. According to the 1998 book published by the Historic Landmarks Preservation Commission of the Incorporated Village of Sands Point, the house was extant at that time. Of course, there is always the possibility that it was demolished since we published our book. I'll leave that for you to sort out.
Unfortunately, this will be my last post. I'm finding that blogging is taking too much time from my research and writing.
It's at the end of Cedar Lane, where it turns into Cornwells Beach rd. Right next to the water.
So sorry! The above link doesn't work- try this one. Or, perhaps, Zack, you could help? Sorry, again-
Zack, Do you know anything about the property directly to the south of this? It looks very interesting- especially the racetrack oval shape in the lawn.
Doug Floor Plan, I am viewing this on my iPhone so I hope Zach will give definitive answers. But I am pretty sure, true to common standards of the day, that the only half bath or powder room is the one under the stairs on the ground floor. My guess is that is a janitorial closet on the second floor, like the one next to the laundry. The laundry is that size to accommodate the ironing and folding as well as the washing, all a big task in those days. Most likely there was a staff day room in the basement, along with a toilet.
I'm with Devoted. Hard to read in the plan, but almost doubtless so. Also might have been a staff sitting room on the third floor, where their rooms were.
I see this one has fallen victim to the inappropriate forecourt syndrome. Too bad, I quite like it...sort of Hansel & Gretel go to Wall St.
LGB - not fair - you get all the good words and i'm stuck with.... well, you'll see. La Petite - i do so agree with and it's so pleasant and satisfying when the snow crushes a few of the peasants begging outside the patio. i get so annoyed at having to heat up the boiling oil and drag it up to the roof and the servants have this thing about pouring it onto their own kind. isn't that what i'm paying them for? but seriously folks, i love this kind of quirky house with wall in all directions, towers, steep curved roofs - kind of a bungalow on steroids and - yea - it survived notwithstanding DED's whine about forecourts. would you rather have a subdivision in the front yard like so many of these survivors do. and ANON 6:46 - i'd be interested to find out what house was missing. it must have been behind that impressive wall in the big blank space. maybe that's an excercise track for the servants. and what happened at Chateau des Thons????
security word def - "pugho" - the sound i make when LGB gets all the good security words.
What wonderful gables, love that roof. If I ever build another house, I will demand a steep roof, the snow slides right off.
Hope you find that house..
I also hope someone locates this house so we can all see how it’s aged (& hopefully been beautifully maintained).
I like the comfortable style & especially the look of having support beams come out of the front porch columns to help hold up that heavy roof.
On the ground floor:
• The oval window is to the kitchen pantry but I can’t figure out what the room is between that & the half bath under the stairs – it would make sense for it to be a closet but I’m not sure because of the markings inside the room on the floor plan plus it has a fairly large window for such a small room … ideas?
• The laundry is surprisingly large, especially since there is no servants’ sitting/dining room on the ground floor … ideas?
The second oval window is inside the servants’ stairwell.
On the second floor:
• The oval window is to a half bath off the main hall – I’m sure it came in handy with five bedrooms & only (only?) two full baths.
• I like the secondary halls that let you move from bed to bathroom without having to be out in the main hall – not something you see in today’s floor plans.
In the photographs you can also see curtains fluttering in a breeze – reminds me of a time when my family went to bed with all our doors & windows open & nothing to protect us from evil but latched screens & faithful dogs.
The address is at 25 Cedar Lane. According to the 1998 book published by the Historic Landmarks Preservation Commission of the Incorporated Village of Sands Point, the house was extant at that time. Of course, there is always the possibility that it was demolished since we published our book. I'll leave that for you to sort out.
Unfortunately, this will be my last post. I'm finding that blogging is taking too much time from my research and writing.
It's at the end of Cedar Lane, where it turns into Cornwells Beach rd. Right next to the water.
25 Cedar Lane places one at the opposite end of Cedar Lane. Look north- follow Cedar Lane straight into the driveway.
So sorry! The above link doesn't work- try this one.
Or, perhaps, Zack, you could help? Sorry, again-
Sorry for the off-topic question, but did Chateau des Thorns (27 Wolver Hollow Rd., Upper Brookville, NY) sell at auction Sunday (May 15th)?
Interestingly the Title Company lists the property's street address in the town of Glen Head and not Brookville.
Kellsboro Jack....I was thinking the same...all day Sunday I was praying a developer didn't get their hands on it.
Down to earth Brookvilites, back in the day, always listed as Glen Head...11545 post office.
Do you know anything about the property directly to the south of this? It looks very interesting- especially the racetrack oval shape in the lawn.
Doug Floor Plan, I am viewing this on my iPhone so I hope Zach will give definitive answers. But I am pretty sure, true to common standards of the day, that the only half bath or powder room is the one under the stairs on the ground floor. My guess is that is a janitorial closet on the second floor, like the one next to the laundry. The laundry is that size to accommodate the ironing and folding as well as the washing, all a big task in those days. Most likely there was a staff day room in the basement, along with a toilet.
I'm with Devoted. Hard to read in the plan, but almost doubtless so. Also might have been a staff sitting room on the third floor, where their rooms were.
I see this one has fallen victim to the inappropriate forecourt syndrome. Too bad, I quite like it...sort of Hansel & Gretel go to Wall St.
"Hansel & Gretel go to Wall St."
A catch phrase for the 21st century if ever there was one...
It is a lovely home; in spite of any unsympathetic modifications, the massing and siting are exquisite.
Security word (I kid you not) - flopbyte: loose data.
LGB - not fair - you get all the good words and i'm stuck with.... well, you'll see.
La Petite - i do so agree with and it's so pleasant and satisfying when the snow crushes a few of the peasants begging outside the patio. i get so annoyed at having to heat up the boiling oil and drag it up to the roof and the servants have this thing about pouring it onto their own kind. isn't that what i'm paying them for?
but seriously folks, i love this kind of quirky house with wall in all directions, towers, steep curved roofs - kind of a bungalow on steroids and - yea - it survived notwithstanding DED's whine about forecourts. would you rather have a subdivision in the front yard like so many of these survivors do.
and ANON 6:46 - i'd be interested to find out what house was missing. it must have been behind that impressive wall in the big blank space. maybe that's an excercise track for the servants.
and what happened at Chateau des Thons????
security word def - "pugho" - the sound i make when LGB gets all the good security words.
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