Dedicated to the preservation of Long Island's 'gold coast' estates and other things old.
Monday, October 3, 2011
'Goodwin Place' Farm Group
The farm group to 'Goodwin Place', the Philip L. Goodwin estate designed by himself c. 1917 in Woodbury. Click HERE for more on 'Goodwin Place' and HERE for interiors. Click HERE for the previous post on 'Goodwin Place'.
If you didn't know this was in Woodbury you could easily think somewhere in the French countryside or a Hollywood set. The extra long allee of trees to the south of the main house is on par with Westbury House -
I've always had a soft spot for early 20th century French Provincial, back before the style got too cute and too suburban. Lovely buildins---and notice the attention paid to detail, even to gravel that complemented the stucco. There's a sensibility that has passed!
As to the links to Frederic King. King was a cousin, once or twice removed, of Edith Wharton, and one of the most elegant architects ofhis day. His own house, of relatively manageable size with big house style, was much published and very influential---it spawned hundreds of imitations from Greenwich to Sea Island, with the design getting watered down with each passing generation. As I remember, the house had some marvelous 18th century boiserie inside. One wonders about its ultimate fate---that little Home Depot cheap addition in the back doesn't bode well, as doesn't its being stranded in the midst of a ranch house neighborhood
If you didn't know this was in Woodbury you could easily think somewhere in the French countryside or a Hollywood set. The extra long allee of trees to the south of the main house is on par with Westbury House -
The steep roof lines remind of C. Ivor.
Property across the street by another architect -
Thanks to are roving photographer{JH} pictures have been added to to one of Kings' design -
I've always had a soft spot for early 20th century French Provincial, back before the style got too cute and too suburban. Lovely buildins---and notice the attention paid to detail, even to gravel that complemented the stucco. There's a sensibility that has passed!
As to the links to Frederic King. King was a cousin, once or twice removed, of Edith Wharton, and one of the most elegant architects ofhis day. His own house, of relatively manageable size with big house style, was much published and very influential---it spawned hundreds of imitations from Greenwich to Sea Island, with the design getting watered down with each passing generation. As I remember, the house had some marvelous 18th century boiserie inside. One wonders about its ultimate fate---that little Home Depot cheap addition in the back doesn't bode well, as doesn't its being stranded in the midst of a ranch house neighborhood
DED any online links to the above?
HPHS: I most remember the King house from a 1930's House & Garden article I once saw---but have no date or issue.
He also designed the very elegant garden library at Dumbarton Oaks,
and the beautiful Francis Cabot house at La Malbaie, in Quebec
With such a lovely main house, I am not surprised to see such a wonderful group of auxiliary buildings. Absolutely charming.
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