Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Grotto at 'Spring Hill'

Buried in the woods at 'Spring Hill' and covered in weeds is this grotto which fed a small stream that emptied into a little pond (both of which have long since dried up).  This particular garden feature sat about halfway between the main Phipps residence and son Ogden's house to the west.  Click HERE for more on 'Spring Hill'.


Artman said...

I was just past here friday. I love going into here.

Anonymous said...

years ago when talking to young George Hawkins who was doing work on my
family's house Oak Knoll, we discussed some of the estates he had worked on
with regards to the "mechanicals"..size&number of furnaces..etc. He happened to
mention that the problem with Spring Hill was the fact that the water pipes were leaking
and had been encased in cement in many places and was going to cost a fortune to repair.


Charles said...

Oak Knoll is one of my all time favorite houses. Any chance you could share some interior pictures with OLI readers?

Anonymous said...

here is a link to my site where there are personal pics of Oak Knoll
there are two sets of pics.. early 80's and then 1995 for the brochure..also the drawings of horses/cows/ships were done by
John B.Trevor(died 1890) and whose house Glenview is now a
museum in Yonkers..I have a set of the original plans of the house,
some..23,24 25 have been transferred to computer
ps. the Christmas scene was done early 70's

Anonymous said...

here is the link


Charles said...

Thank you so much! I can't wait to see the pictures!

Anonymous said...

encapsulating pipes in concrete was a common practice in the day (fireproofing)and could explain the inexplicable decision to level Spring Hill which otherwise has been presented to be well maintained and occupied till the 1970's