Thursday, April 24, 2014

The William H. Erhart Residence

The William H. Erhart residence built c. 1907 in Cedarhurst.  Click HERE for more on the Erhart residence which has since been demolished.


The Ancient said...


Anonymous said...

I pray not another of the last of the charming I.U. Willets estates goes to the wrecking ball, only to be replaced by one of those gaudey McMansions like those across at the old Bostwick estate.

Anonymous said...


I hear Cornelia is staying for year and then house is demolished with Village of OW having already indicated there is no historic significance. Have to love them...they are consistent and have allowed one of the North Shore's best villages to become one of the worst.

toko jaket kulit said...

listening and reading an interesting article and a lot of helpful info I really like blogs like this

Anonymous said...

I guess they'll subdivide the 15 acres. Very sad.

Charles said...

I wish Cornelia would allow a tour of the house before it is demolished. Wouldn't that be great!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't stop thinking about this during lunch; what will happen to places like Groton Place,Erchless, the Robert Gerry estate, New Sunridge Hall, and Crossroads when the unfortunate time comes when these properties are inherited. It seems the heirs, for I'm sure many varied reasons, are not keeping these homes. Will they all eventually fall to the developer?