Monday, November 24, 2014

The Robert A. Shaw Residence

The Robert A. Shaw residence designed by C.P.H. Gilbert c. 1900 in Glen Cove.  The house has since been demolished.  Sketch from the Yearbook of the Architectural League of New York, 1903.


Magnuspetrie said...

Robert Shaw?

Anonymous said...

Robert Anderson Shaw it is - in the North Country Colony, Glen Cove. See page 184, etc., of "Long Island Country Homes and Their Architects, 1860 - 1940." No longer extant.

Magnuspetrie said...

I have never seen the house from this elevation. It was torn down circa 1930 by J. Lewis Luckenbach who built a new house south of the old one and a further distance from Fresh Pond. I wonder If issues with the damp ground on which the Shaw house was built (the area is also rife with underground springs) did not contribute to the decision to tear it down.

Anonymous said...

I also wonder whether the dependencies of the Luckenbach house now along Crescent Beach Road are part of this earlier estate. They are clearly in a different style from the Bottomley house, and I would guess an earlier vintage.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is artistic license but that sketch shows the pond 4 feet from the stone walls of the carriage portico. Could it really have been that close? Definitely see the resemblance of the existing service buildings to this earlier house. Good catch.
Anyone aware if the Luckenbach estate has been sold? NYarch

Magnuspetrie said...

The Luckenbach house is still for sale. The grounds and view are glorious, but the house is rather somber and does not appeal to all according to a broker I spoke to. The price is also high. The current owner maintains the property in superb order, so none of the neighbors are complaining that it hasn't changed hands.