Monday, December 8, 2014

'Albro House'

'Albro House', the Robert Lewis Burton estate built c. 1900 by Joseph H. Taft in Cedarhurst and pictured here under the ownership of Burton's brother John Howes Burton.  The brothers were partners in Burton Brothers, cotton manufacturers.  'Albro House' was demolished c. 1945.


Anonymous said...

Good looking house the overall lines of the house, the symmetry, the enclosed porch all add to the attractive appeal

Anonymous said...

Handsome house. I find it difficult trying to picture how the 5-Towns must have looked back then.

The Ancient said...

Anyone sufficiently familiar with the area to hazard a guess as to how the house was oriented -- what was it they saw through all those windows?

SEC words: recent nutopta -- This morning's meeting of the remaining New Republic staff.