Monday, December 28, 2015

'Gray Horse Farm'

'Gray Horse Farm', the Geraldyn Livingston Redmond estate designed by James O'Connor c. 1924 in Upper Brookville.  The estate along with nine acres is currently for sale for $9,700,000, click HERE to see the listing on Daniel Gale Sotheby's.  Click HERE and HERE for more on 'Gray Horse Farm'.  Click HERE to see the estate on bing.

Listing photos from MLSLI.


charles said...

I live around the corner from this house and the sign in front of the house says "Gray Horse Farm."

Zach L. said...

Both the SPLIA and Spinzia books refer to the house as Grey House Farm.

Perhaps the current owners changed the name slightly. Or both books are incorrect.

Anonymous said...

The impressive entrance gates came from the JP Morgan mansion, Matinecock Point, located in Glen Cove when the contents were offered for sale prior to demolition. Archibuff

The Down East Dilettante said...

"Gray Horse Farm" is correct. One finds it so referred to in vintage newspaper articles, and of course, it makes more sense than "Gray House" (and one suspects the owners know the name of their own house)