Wednesday, December 24, 2008

'Cedarmere' Mill

The old mill that sits near the water at William Cullen Bryant's 'Cedarmere' in Roslyn.


Unknown said...

I was there in October. That is a really cool building. I hope they put some money into it, to preserve it.
Merry Christmas!!!! I have really enjoyed your site this year.

Zach L. said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you! A group is trying to form to preserve 'Cedarmere', which I believe would include a restoration of the mill. Hopefully the group will get off the ground in the new year. When I have more information pertaining to it I will be sure to post it.

Robert B. Sargent said...

The exterior of the Cedarmere Mill was beautifully and authentically restored in 2013 under the supervision of the Roslyn Landmark Society, with funding by The Gerry Trust. I am on the board of The Friends of Cedarmere, an incorporated nonprofit, that is in the process of raising funds to restore the interior, with a benefit for that purpose scheduled for early November 2017. around the time of Bryant's birthday. To participate and for further information, contact: