Thursday, October 1, 2009

'Spring Hill' 1932 Aerial

The rear of 'Spring Hill', the Henry Carnegie Phipps estate designed by John Russell Pope (for William L. Stow) in 1903 in Old Westbury from a 1932 copy of Fortune Magazine. Click HERE for more on 'Spring Hill'. The house in the background is the Dewees Dilworth residence 'Gloan House', which can be seen HERE.


ArchitectDesign™ said...

What is that building in the background in the upper left hand corner? it looks really's not harbor hill is it?

Anonymous said...

Gloan House:

August 11, 2009 8:09 AM
Anonymous said...

The house stood just north of Whitney Garvan Phipps Drive, slightly to the west(and across WGP Drive) of Spring Hill in what is now Nob Hill/Lakeville Estates. There is an excellent aerial photo of Spring Hill and the Dilworth house in the June,1932 edition of Fortune. Not extant on 1966 aerial of Garvan and vicinity.


Anonymous said...

does the house that's currently on glen cove rd,(475) have anything to do with Gloan house?
it stands apart from the rest of the current development.

Anonymous said...

That house was the gatehouse for John Mackay's house which is still standing - on Melby Lane.


Heidi said...

I grew up in lakeville and have wondered for years and years about both the house on Glenn cove and the one on melby! Both looked like they were part of the old mansion, but I had no info until now :). So intruiging. :)