Dedicated to the preservation of Long Island's 'gold coast' estates and other things old.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
More on the planned community of Kensington in Great Neck, developed by the Rickert-Finlay Realty Company. Additional pictures of homes will follow tomorrow.
The old Long island, Kensington is preserved in the form of these beautiful pictures. All the tourists who travel to this place now will be happy to see its older version.
Hmmmm. Born and raised at 33 Nassau Drive, Kensington. A long, long time ago. In a house that dated back to the beginning of the Rickert-Finlay development. A really magical place to grow up in. Even then there was a lot of fill-in development, which was a shame. Last time I visited, about 25 years ago, the maintenance standards had fallen visibly. A shame. Hopefully, today's residents have enough money to preserve their homes and properties the way they were meant to be. Inflation: these are all million-dollar properties now. When my parents bought, you could have almost any of the finer homes for thirty thousand dollars!
So beautiful. What is Kensington like today? Do many of the original homes still stand, or has the neighborhood been invaded by teardowns?
It's all mostly still there, I will take some pictures for a future post.
The old Long island, Kensington is preserved in the form of these beautiful pictures. All the tourists who travel to this place now will be happy to see its older version.
Can you post a google earth link? I'd like to go visit this development. Thank you
Hmmmm. Born and raised at 33 Nassau Drive, Kensington. A long, long time ago. In a house that dated back to the beginning of the Rickert-Finlay development. A really magical place to grow up in. Even then there was a lot of fill-in development, which was a shame. Last time I visited, about 25 years ago, the maintenance standards had fallen visibly. A shame. Hopefully, today's residents have enough money to preserve their homes and properties the way they were meant to be. Inflation: these are all million-dollar properties now. When my parents bought, you could have almost any of the finer homes for thirty thousand dollars!
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