Oak Hill', the
Arthur S. Burden estate designed by
John Russell Pope c. 1915 in
Brookville. Click
HERE and
HERE for more on 'Oak Hill' and
HERE to see the brochure from when the estate was for sale. 'Oak Hill' has since been demolished.

Photos from
Examples of Work by Lewis & Valentine, 1916.
Burden's obituary.
Cool, classical, and a bit ordinary---until one sees that hall and stair, among the greatest of the era...
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then David Adler knew what he was up to when he adapted the Burden Hall for the Stanley Keith house in Lake Forest
Ancient, thanks for the link to Burden's obiturary; interesting & a little sad to read.
A comment about the house: in the picture of the back of the house, going left-to-right across the ground floor, is the living room, the library & dining room where the awnings are, & the nearest room, with large windows to match the living room, is the butler's pantry. I think the butler lucked out in Pope's desire to maintain a balanced look.
All the more reason for the mistress of the house to insist that her silver really sparkle!
P.S. I've suddenly realized that I know absolutely nothing about the servant accommodations in all these New Money Houses that are so frequently the subject of local conversation.
Bigger/Better? Smaller/Nastier? What does The (Live-In) Help get in an era when the best NYC nannies take in $180,000 a year?
SEC words: Userarks rypthua -- Why Game of Thrones gets cancelled.
Interesting family note, Mrs. Burden's brother Lord Fermoy was the maternal grandfather of Princess Diana.
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