Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Jones Beach

A view of the East Bath House at Jones Beach built c. 1930 in Wantagh.  Click HERE for all previous posts on Jones Beach.


The Old Storyteller said...

By the mid-1930s younger men on the west coast began to discard their onesie, and two-piece, bathing suits for trunks only. It wasn't long before trunks only would appear everywhere !

Anonymous said...

Don't you think Jones Beach was one of the major downfalls for Long Island, especially the South Shore? When Moses decided the Island would be cut up, and slashed for the masses.

The Ancient said...

Some of my relatives had a house in Lawrence in the Twenties. They always said they moved -- in the early Thirties -- to the North Shore to get away from the airport noise. There was never a word about Jones Beach.

Anonymous said...

The Leonard Lopate Show recently interviewed Robert Caro about his now legendary bio of Robert Moses. Caro recalled that Moses had overpasses and bridges built with clearances that would hamper the ability of public buses(presumably the only way car-less African American New Yorkers traveled) from traveling to Jones Beach with non-white beach goers. Robert Moses also believed that African Americans disliked cold water and had public pools kept colder than usual. I was never under any delusion that Moses was anything but bulldozing misanthrope, but I had no idea it was on such a micro-managing level.