Tuesday, April 21, 2015

'Hill House'

'Hill House', the Anton G. Hodenpyl estate built c. 1900 in Mill Neck.  Click HERE for more on 'Hill House' which has since been demolished.


Gary Lawrance said...

I always liked this house! Too bad it is gone.

Anonymous said...

Gary....I love the 1916 "Prominent Residents of Long Island" book you have posted on your site. I was surprised that there seemed to be more South Shore residents then North Shore, but still a lot of familiar names from this site.

Gary Lawrance said...

Yes, that book was a great find! We often do not think of the South Shore as having many estates and mansions as the North Shore, probably because there is much less evidence of them today existing.

The Ancient said...

Off topic:


There are two copies of this book. I have the other.