Friday, June 25, 2010

'Applegreen' Chinese Garden

The Beatrix Jones Farrand designed Chinese garden at 'Applegreen', then the Willard Straight estate in Old Westbury. Click HERE for more on 'Applegreen'. Picture from American Architect & Architecture.


The Down East Dilettante said...

Hey Zach, great to see this. If interested I have a copy of part of the plan by Beatrix Farrand, the part south of this pool (it would be what would be behind one if one were standing where this picture was taken) in this post:

Anonymous said...

What makes it Chinese, it look pretty plain.
Your "click Here" isn't working.

The Down East Dilettante said...

The garden architecture, gazebos, walls, gates, etc., all had chinese motifs

Zach L. said...


Have you seen 'Long Island Landscapes and the Women Who Designed Them' by Cynthia Zeitzevsky?

There is a chapter on Farrand and a handful of plans of the gardens at 'Applegreen'.