Dedicated to the preservation of Long Island's 'gold coast' estates and other things old.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
'Crossroads' Indoor Tennis Court Statue Niche
My dog Otto posing in one of the statue niches at the sunken indoor tennis court at 'Crossroads', the W.R. Grace Jr. estate designed by James O'Connor c. 1919 in Old Westbury. Click HERE for more on the 'Crossroads' indoor tennis court. Otto ruptured his CCL and spent last night in the hospital after having knee surgery so today's post is for him.
I’m not too worried about Otto – I suspect his master will ensure a speedy & full recovery.
Zach, three questions: 1. Otto – Border Collie / Australian Shepherd mix? 2. Named after Otto Kahn … or Bismark? 3. Interesting color & texture in your photo – is that as-is or did you Photoshop the background some (I know you would never Photoshop Otto … there’s no need)
Poor Otto! I hope he will be better than new very soon! Speaking of dogs, I just got an e-mail about the importance of never giving dogs raisins or grapes- can cause kidney failure.
Thank you all very much for the well wishes...I will be sure to pass them along to Otto when he comes home tonight!
DFP, he's a 4.5 year old Aussie Shepherd, one on the smaller side (45 lbs.) When people ask me who he was named for I usually tell them Otto the bus driver from 'The Simpsons' (my favorite show as a kid) but Otto Kahn could work just as well. And no photoshopping, I took maybe 10 pictures of him up there and this was the best.
LOL Zach, for the disclaimer that 'The Simpsons' was your favorite TV show ONLY when you were a kid ... yet it's still being broadcast so SOMEONE must be watching it today.
I don't watch much TV (I'm not too good for it ... I'm easily addicted … kind of like this blog) but I know I'd watch 'The Simpsons' over 'Jersey Shore', 'Dancing With the Stars', 'Idol', 'Bachelor / Bachelorette'. & many other shows any day – at least 'The Simpsons' has some intelligence behind its creation & a message that every now & then is worth remembering ... like when Homer said, “It was the best Thanksgiving ever. I mean, emotionally, it was terrible, but the turkey was so moist!”
Well I suppose I should add that I do still occasionally watch 'The Simpsons', just not as much as I did when I was a kid. It's amazing to think that the show started when I was in 1st grade and is still on the air with new episodes (and I've long since graduated high school).
HPHS...Otto is a bit of both of those personalities depending on his mood. I'm picking him up in an hour so we'll see how recovery goes...let's just say I am well prepared.
OMG!!! Is that the original house? It's odd how it's all connected in that way.Amazing but strange....looks nothing like the old photos on Zach's blog. And what is it used for now...if anyone knows.
Good luck Otto. Prayers for your speedy recovery.
Best wishes to Otto to get well soon.
Wishing Otto a speedy recovery!
I’m not too worried about Otto – I suspect his master will ensure a speedy & full recovery.
Zach, three questions:
1. Otto – Border Collie / Australian Shepherd mix?
2. Named after Otto Kahn … or Bismark?
3. Interesting color & texture in your photo – is that as-is or did you Photoshop the background some (I know you would never Photoshop Otto … there’s no need)
I hope both of you are having an easy day of it.
Poor Otto! I hope he will be better than new very soon! Speaking of dogs, I just got an e-mail about the importance of never giving dogs raisins or grapes- can cause kidney failure.
Good luck to Otto....wishing him a fast and full recovery.
I thought the tennis court burnt down a few years back?
Thank you all very much for the well wishes...I will be sure to pass them along to Otto when he comes home tonight!
DFP, he's a 4.5 year old Aussie Shepherd, one on the smaller side (45 lbs.) When people ask me who he was named for I usually tell them Otto the bus driver from 'The Simpsons' (my favorite show as a kid) but Otto Kahn could work just as well. And no photoshopping, I took maybe 10 pictures of him up there and this was the best.
Regarding the are pictures:
What a cutie! Speedy recovery
Lovely niche. Adorable dog.
Happy to hear the building survived. Is it still used as a tennis court, or has it been turned into a private residence?
It still houses a tennis court and has a small house/apartment attached to the far end of it but no one has played tennis there in many, many years.
I know Otto from the Simpsons, a mellow type of guy. Australian Shepherds are noted for being highly energetic. How will Otto handle post opt?
LOL Zach, for the disclaimer that 'The Simpsons' was your favorite TV show ONLY when you were a kid ... yet it's still being broadcast so SOMEONE must be watching it today.
I don't watch much TV (I'm not too good for it ... I'm easily addicted … kind of like this blog) but I know I'd watch 'The Simpsons' over 'Jersey Shore', 'Dancing With the Stars', 'Idol', 'Bachelor / Bachelorette'. & many other shows any day – at least 'The Simpsons' has some intelligence behind its creation & a message that every now & then is worth remembering ... like when Homer said, “It was the best Thanksgiving ever. I mean, emotionally, it was terrible, but the turkey was so moist!”
Well I suppose I should add that I do still occasionally watch 'The Simpsons', just not as much as I did when I was a kid. It's amazing to think that the show started when I was in 1st grade and is still on the air with new episodes (and I've long since graduated high school).
HPHS...Otto is a bit of both of those personalities depending on his mood. I'm picking him up in an hour so we'll see how recovery goes...let's just say I am well prepared.
Late to the party here but extending my best wishes as well. Nobody likes to have their best friend ill.
He did pose rather well in that niche. If you used B&W for the film shot I would've thought it was a whimsical statue for the Grace family.
Hey Zach, just shy of sixty I still watch the Simpsons---just brilliant.
I'm more of a "South Park" man crude at that show is I find myself balled over in laughter.
Am I safe to assume that "Crossroads" main house is no longer extant?
OMG!!! Is that the original house? It's odd how it's all connected in that way.Amazing but strange....looks nothing like the old photos on Zach's blog. And what is it used for now...if anyone knows.
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