Dedicated to the preservation of Long Island's 'gold coast' estates and other things old.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
'Kiluna Farm' Indoor Tennis Court
The James O'Connor designed indoor tennis court at 'Kiluna Farm', the Ralph Pulitzer estate designed by Walker & Gillette c. 1910 in North Hills. Click HERE for more on 'Kiluna Farm'. The estate has since been demolished (after it burned down) but click HERE to see where it stood on google earth. Photo from Selections From the Work of James O'Connor.
I spent some time at Kiluna in the early 80s... The tennis pavilion was so pretty. It had a clay court with a viewing box and trained vines on the walls. The dressing room cabinets were stocked with a variety of tennis shoe types, all marked with the size in magic marker on the heal.
After wife Babe's death in 1978, I can understand Bill Paley's move to the smaller house in Southampton. The tennis house was very good looking. At the main house, is it thought the portion to the left was an earlier house on the site that was reworked to be incorporated into the new construction?
Handsome building. Interesting specialty O'Connor chose,indoor sports pavilions. He certainly had the lock on the business.
The house next to Kiluna certainly is interesting. The roof of the entrance tower gives Chateau Ivor some serious competition for steepest roof on Long Island.
Hey Richard D - you have to be a registered user at blogspot first. Your screen name will highlight in blue as above. Its no big deal, no spam or other hassles to join, just a email address. From there you have to post a message for what ever day and estate. A check box option will allow you to receive any updates. After a certain time frame{?} any new message posted will need webmaster{Zach} approval to be added. Then email notice is sent to who ever posted and checked the update box.
Does The Devoted Classicist know of any pictures in existence of the Chinese dining room in the main house? I was told it was by Jansen… I remember it as very pretty-red walls, with very intricate grey fret work all over.
It seems to be a common occurrence on Long Island for some time now for developments to spring-up following devestating, non-repairable fires of these great homes.
There is a working HistoricAerial link at wikimapia showing the court and estate intact.
Does anyone have info on this property next to Kiluna Farm -
I spent some time at Kiluna in the early 80s...
The tennis pavilion was so pretty. It had a clay court with a viewing box and trained vines on the walls. The dressing room cabinets were stocked with a variety of tennis shoe types, all marked with the size in magic marker on the heal.
Late arriving comments that you would have missed if you hadn't posted a comment to receive email updates -
Some insightful information you might want to know.
After wife Babe's death in 1978, I can understand Bill Paley's move to the smaller house in Southampton. The tennis house was very good looking. At the main house, is it thought the portion to the left was an earlier house on the site that was reworked to be incorporated into the new construction?
Handsome building. Interesting specialty O'Connor chose,indoor sports pavilions. He certainly had the lock on the business.
The house next to Kiluna certainly is interesting. The roof of the entrance tower gives Chateau Ivor some serious competition for steepest roof on Long Island.
Thanks for links to those comments. How do I sign up to receive notice if new comments are added to old posts?
Hey Richard D - you have to be a registered user at blogspot first. Your screen name will highlight in blue as above. Its no big deal, no spam or other hassles to join, just a email address. From there you have to post a message for what ever day and estate. A check box option will allow you to receive any updates. After a certain time frame{?} any new message posted will need webmaster{Zach} approval to be added. Then email notice is sent to who ever posted and checked the update box.
Does The Devoted Classicist know of any pictures in existence of the Chinese dining room in the main house? I was told it was by Jansen… I remember it as very pretty-red walls, with very intricate grey fret work all over.
It seems to be a common occurrence on Long Island for some time now for developments to spring-up following devestating, non-repairable fires of these great homes.
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